Case Studies
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Over the course of this complex, multi-year project KBM has collected and processed LiDAR and Imagery data aiding in vegetation management and other critical maintenance activities
Springpole Project
First Mining Gold
The Springpole Project is based in a remote mining camp on the north shore of Springpole Lake, roughly 115 km northeast of Red Lake, Ontario.
Controlled Wood Risk Assessment
Various Clients
KBM Resources Group undertook an FSC Risk Assessment on behalf of a group of forestry companies for the area that spans Northwestern Ontario and Northern Minnesota.
Forest Resources Inventory
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
To date, KBM has interpreted over 8.5 million hectares of forest area and assessed approximately 12 thousand ground plots across the province.
Ontario’s Forest Tenure Review
Government of Ontario
KBM conducted a review of Ontario’s forest tenure modernization efforts for the Ontario government using the measures established by the Forest Tenure Modernization Oversight Group.